How to command high rates & charge what you’re worth with confidence

March 13, 2024

Did you know you can unlock higher pricing by positioning your brand around the power of ATTRACTION?

By focusing on attraction, you’re no longer just another provider in a sea of options. You become a trusted advisor, a valuable resource, and a magnet for your ideal clients.

How you position yourself, especially on social media, plays a huge role in how much potential clients are willing to pay for your services.

 Sooooo, how do you show potential clients that you’re worth the investment?

It all boils down to your strategy (and I know just the person to build a winning one for you).


And speaking of positioning,  

I just spent everything in my savings account on a coach.  

And I’m not even a little bit scared. 

Is this coach more than my rent x5? Maybe. I know that this is a big investment, but I’m confident it’ll take my business and mindset to the next level.

My last coach helped me DOUBLE my team and my income… so I can’t even imagine what this next step will look like.

If you take away one thing from this blog, it’s this… 


This can be an investment of your money, time, or trust.

Whatever the case may be, it’s the best way to fast-track your growth, build a clear foundation for success, and reach those goals faster than you ever thought possible.

If you’re considering investing your time in a coach for your online business, consider following us on Instagram. I promise it’s going to be your best investment for your online business.
