How to ACTUALLY sell with your content

September 11, 2024

The Two Biggest Shifts That Transformed My Business Growth

Ever wondered what sparked the most significant growth in my business? It all came down to two key shifts:

1. Refining My Agency Structure

The first major shift was in the way I approached the agency side of my business. I realized I couldn’t do it all alone and needed to fine-tune the structure. This meant:

  • Specialized hiring: Bringing in experts for different areas to ensure every client received top-notch, creative work.
  • Delegation: This significantly lightened my workload, allowing me to focus on what I do best.

By building a team of specialists, I was able to provide higher-quality services to my clients, which led to better results and a more scalable business model.

2. Personalizing My Content Strategy

The second shift involved my content. When I began leaning into personal content—humanizing my brand and aligning my content themes—I saw a surge in leads like never before. Here’s what changed:

  • Moving away from cookie-cutter content: I started to embrace my unique voice and perspective, which helped me connect more deeply with my audience.
  • Personality-forward approach: This not only attracted high-value clients but also built stronger, more meaningful relationships with them.

By focusing on aligned content that reflects who I am and what I stand for, selling became not just easier, but genuinely enjoyable. Yes, selling can be FUN.

The Aha! Moment That Changed My Approach to Selling

Selling can often feel challenging and even uncomfortable, but I had a breakthrough that changed everything for me:

When you truly believe in what you’re offering and the transformation it provides, selling becomes a natural extension of your passion.

Here’s the key:

  • Don’t sell features and deliverables. Instead, focus on selling the solutions, emotions, and transformations that your product or service delivers.
  • Show the impact: Demonstrate how your offer makes your clients’ lives better, and watch the conversions roll in.

People make purchasing decisions based on both emotions and logic. To succeed, you need to:

  • Tap into their emotions: Connect with your audience on a deeper level, focusing on their needs and desires.
  • Focus on them, not the sale: Make it about how your service can improve their lives, and you’ll find yourself effortlessly closing deals.

Ready to Practice What I Preach?

If you need help refining your social media strategy and putting these principles into action, I’m here to help. For more tips and insights on making an impact online, follow us on Instagram!
