What You Should Focus On To Get New Clients

November 8, 2023

The BEAUTY of marketing your business online is that your ideal clients have MANY opportunities to get to know you before they partner with you.

Each post, highlight, story, and reel can be strategic (nobody wants to waste time – ya know?!).

One of the most important things I’ve learned in business is how essential it is to get your ideal client bought in before they buy from you 

What does being bought in really mean? It means building trustestablishing authority, and creating a genuine connection with them

These three main things can be established when you actively:

 Provide value freely without expecting anything in return. This could be blog posts, ebooks, webinars, freebies, or anything else that would be helpful to your target audience.

IMO – Email freebies are the way to go because once someone gets one of your free resources, they are in your nurture sequence (BONUS for getting email subscribers), learning from you, staying top of mind – while you also strategically tell them about your offer(s)! 

 Showcase your expertise through case studies, industry knowledge, trends, and insights. Always be learning!!

 Be consistent because building trust takes time.

You can’t expect to see results overnight, so really enjoy the journey of being consistent and trusting the process.

Personally, I’ve gotten several clients from a carousel or reel that resonated with them or showed my personality. And not just cool clients, ALIGNED clients – they already knew my personality and knew they’d vibe with me because of the content.

Ready to start getting your ideal clients bought in before they buy? Grab a strategy session for a custom social strategy to do just that.
