social media

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Let’s talk about subliminal hooks (yes, this is actually a thing now!) So I saw this TikTok recently that exposes the subliminal ways creators grab our attention.  You’ve likely heard of hooks – those attention-grabbing elements strategically placed at the beginning of a video or post. They’re designed to pique curiosity and keep audiences engaged. […]

Storytelling is a GREAT way to get your social media following more invested in your brand and more likely to purchase. When you tell a story, you share powerful emotions with your community. That connection is what we’re after. When you tell a story on social media, you’re not just promoting your brand – you’re […]

While you hear from plenty of marketers that email marketing is powerful, it can be a challenge to get started with it! Where do we begin?! For emails to perform their best and really convert your customers, you need to know why email marketing works and then make the right decisions with your wording, your […]

You ever get stuck in one of those Instagram reel scrolls? Where you can’t. stop. watching? That’s exactly what these short-form videos are designed for (the algorithm is working its magic on you, giving you ALL the content you want to see!).  The goal here? To get your audience to STOP that scroll for just […]